TPI Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meets in Dallas

The TPI Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) met in Dallas, TX, on March 23, 2022, for the first of their twice-yearly meetings. Representatives from each of the TPI Plate Member Companies were in attendance, including Stu Lewis, PE  (ITW/Alpine), David Wert, PE (MiTek), Matt Vinson, PE (Eagle Metal), Darren Conrad, PE (Simpson Strong-Tie), Ted Kolanko, PE (representing Cherokee Metal), and TPI TAC’s academic representative, Donald Bender, Ph.D. (Washington State University). The committee discussed ongoing technical projects and established deadlines and goals for 2022. The projects discussed included,

  • DSB 2022 - National Design Standard for Bracing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses

  • TPI 2 – Design Standard for Testing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses

  • Testing projects that originated from the TPI 1 update project, including:

    Plate lateral resistance testing for roller gantry pressed plates,

    Connector plate shear capacity testing with 1/8-inch gaps, and

    Connector plate compression capacity testing.

The group was excited to finalize a few of the projects and optimistic about the upcoming testing projects that will ensure the ANSI/TPI 1 standard remains on the leading edge of technology.
