Wert and Lewis Honored at TPI Annual Board Meeting
TPI Executive Director, Jay Jones, inducts David Wert as an Honorary Member of TPI, with TPI Board President Scott Miller
TPI Executive Director, Jay Jones, inducts Stuart Lewis as an Honorary Member of TPI, with TPI Board member Michael Schwitter
The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) announced the addition of two esteemed engineers, David Wert, P.E. from MiTek and Stuart Lewis, P.E. from Alpine, an ITW Company, to its Honorary Members in recognition of their longstanding contributions to the Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Industry. Both have played instrumental roles in the development of the ANSI/TPI 1 standard, contributing extensively to truss design advancements and industry testing that have shaped modern engineering principles for the standard.
TPI and the industry express deep appreciation for their dedicated service and technical leadership. Wert and Lewis were honored during the TPI Annual Board Meeting in Sarasota, Florida